The I.E.B. has been the first one to speak of "oral
uncertainty" in french and international press. The
teachers are themselves concerned by the problem, and
able to speak correctly owing to the technique that is
taught. At the I.E.B., you are not a sick person at the
doctor's but a person who learns the same technique as
the founder's and the eldest students. Please call :
00 33 609 36 20 39
Oral Uncertainty is an aleatory sensation of the risk of
not being able to say exactly what you want the minute
you feel yourself observed, listened to, or submitted to
an obligation to be audible, which is inexistent when you
are alone and not speaking to anyone, since you have the
same vocal chords as everybody. When you know that you
will be heard by someone, you are subjected to
intermittent destabilisation, variable according to the
assemblage of the circumstances of the intervention. You
have a feeling that the listener produces a pressure on
you, requires the sentence you want to say and is capable
of preventing you from saying it as you expected. More
precisely, this make you anticipate that you will remain
blocked before a syllable beginning or continuing "heavy
with obligation" words, that is those you feel the
most obliged to say (eg : words breaking the silence, or
giving the more meaning to a sentence). The result of
such an anticipation, (called "syllabic anxiety")
can be of two kinds : either the realisation of the
anticipation : blocking and other spectacular
manifestations, or its preventive avoidance on the basis
of modification of the contents which are imperceptible (addition
or substraction of words, using of "er", "in
fact", and so on, or, more simply silence).With all
the consequences in the current life (humiliations,
frustrations and a different image of yourself)
Presentation of I.E.B.and admittance conditions
In the name I.E.B., "B" means bégaiement,
which is translated by : "Stuttering". Now, as
we will see, the principle problem is that of
terminology, which is a source of confusion, and it is
more judicious to say "oral uncertainty". Some
people concerned by oral uncertainty would often say :
"In my case, it is not really stuttering". That
comes from a lack of true designation of the specific
reality, which is completely unnoticed by external people.
Since 1985, date of its foundation in Lille, France, by
Ivan IMPOCO, who had been himself submitted to oral
uncertainty until the age of 27 and then became able to
speak exactly and fluently owing to a self-found
technique, the I.E.B. has taught, in a form of workshops,
a discipline permitting people who live this reality to
express themselves with fluidity and exactitude. But the
I.E.B. workshops are neither sessions of psychoanalysis
nor forums for debate, but periods of rigorous work which
only concern true demanders. Thus the indispensable self-preselection
to which we submit those who want to come for our
teaching : we do not accept those who want to come by
curiosity, impulse, or wish to obtain passively a
miraculous remedy for something which is not a disease,
or to argue about the teaching. In this purpose, you may
usefully contact an english "elder student"
indicated above before your inscription at a workshop,
maybe in Britain if there are enough candidates, or in
France with english-speaking teachers and elders.
The experience lived, the exact analysis of the problem,
ununderstood by those exterior, and the experimental
discovery of means permitting to speak exactly in the
most hostile situations are the essential attributes of
the I.E.B. and of the discipline it teaches. This is
practised now by more than 3,500 people distributed in
about 30 countries and speaking 20 languages.
Former workshops participants dispose of free and
unlimited access to following workshops in order to re-immerse
themselves in the learning as well as to give a good
example to the new participants. Among them there are
even medical doctors, who would have been better situated
to find solutions by their phoniatrist or psychiatrist
colleagues, or by speechtherapists if that had been